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The Home Nurse

The Home Nurse

The home nurse may be any member of the immediate family, a relative, close friend who has the time and commitment to care for the patient. It is best to designate one person as the primary care-giver, or home nurse. This avoids confusion for the patient, and insures that medication is properly administered and necessary schedules for treatment are followed. Part of the home nurses' responsibility is to communicate with the health-care professionals charged with the patient's care. Keeping a written record of the patient's conditions and observing both his physical health (for example, noting his temperature, hours slept, the quality of sleep) and his emotional health, can help the physicians and nurses evaluate the patient. If one person is responsible for keeping health-care professionals informed about the patient's condition and is generally in charge, the patient will feel reassured that he is receiving proper care. It is also important for all concerned that family and friends share in attending the patient. This will guard against the home nurse becoming overly fatigued from the stress and isolation that can occur when bearing the responsibility of caring for someone. Then, too, including others helps the patient feel connected to family life and to life outside the sickroom. Family and friends also need to feel included in nursing the patient and ought to actively participate in his recuperation.

The Principles of Home Nursing
Nursing at home places the focus on the patient, his needs and well-being. The care of a dedicated and loving family encourages both his physical and psychological health. In the home a patient can be cared for as an individual rather than as an illness or injury. The family has the opportunity, and the time, to confer with the patient and gain an understanding of the patient's emotional and physical needs. In meeting those needs, family members acquire a sense of contributing to the health of the patient.
To best accommodate both the family and the ill person, the home nurse should consult all family members when reviewing living and household arrangements. This will make certain that the entire responsibilities do not fall on a single family member, and that the proper amount of time is devoted to the care of the patient. Together the family and the patient (if possible, need to develop strategies to foster the highest possible level of well-being for all concerned.


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