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Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest. 

1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity. 
2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles. 
3. Regulate body processes. 
4. Maintain body temperature. 

Digestive System Anatomy and physiology 
1. Alimentary canal 
2. Organ accessories 

The essence of nutrition 
1. Water 
2. Carbohydrate 
3. Proteins 
4. Fat / Lipid 
5. Vitamin 
6. Mineral 

a. Digestion 
b. Absorption 
c. Storage 
d. Metabolism 

1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water 
2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender. 

1. Monosaccharides glucose and fructose à à can not be broken. 
2. Disakaridaà sucrose, lactose and maltose à formed from monosaccharides and water. 
3. Polisakaridaà glycogen formed from many sugar units. 
Digestion of carbohydrates 
1. starting from the mouth 
2. Enzymes that play a role in the chemical process in the mouth is ptialin. 
1. Disaccharides and monosaccharides à à soluble in water absorbed through the intestinal wall through the process of diffusion and osmosis of energy without the need for direct blood vessels. 
1. Glucose stored in cells in the form of glycogen. 
2. Largely contained glycogen storage in the liver and muscles. 
3. The process of formation of glycogen is called glycogenesis. 
4. The process of glycogen breakdown to glucose is called glycogenolysis. 
5. There are two active hormones are active in the process of glycogenolysis the hormone glucagon and epinefrine. 
1. Consists of three main processes 
a. Catabolism of glycogen to glucose, carbon dioxide and water (glycogenolysis) 
b. Anabolism of glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogenesis) 
c. Changes in amino acids and glycerol into glycogen for energy (gluconeogenesis) 

1. Proteins other than as a source of energy also plays an important role to synthesize (build) in the body tissue growth, maintenance and repair. 
2. The simplest form of protein are amino acids. 
1. Starting in the stomach by secreting the enzyme pepsin, and renin hidrochlorik acid. 
2. Pepsin will transform the protein into peptone. 
3. Renin is an enzyme in the stomach that is usually to digest milk in infants. 
1. After the absorption of amino acids form directly absorbed through Osmose diffusion process because the amino acid is easily soluble in water. 
1. Tissues in the body that play a role in the storage proteins are liver, kidney and intestinal mucosa. 
 Anabolisme; breakdown of proteins into amino acids. 
 Catabolism; breakdown of amino acids into energy. 

Fat / Lipid 
There are 2 kinds of fatty acids; 
1. Fatty acids can be saturated 
2. Unsaturated fatty acids. 
1. Starting from the duodenum 
2. Pancreatic lipase is the most important enzyme à converts fat into fatty acids and glyceryl. 
1. Glyceryl have the nature of water-soluble, it can be absorbed through passive process 
2. Fatty acids have properties not easily dissolve in Aira with the help of bile salts emulsified à à more easily absorbed in the intestine. This requires a certain amount of energy absorption so that said active absorption. 
1. À fat stored in adipose tissue and liver. 
The main function of the liver in the metabolism of fat which 
1. Degrade fatty acids into smaller compounds that can be used for energy. 
2. Synthesize triglycerides mainly of carbohydrates. 
3. Synthesize other lipids from fatty acids, cholesterol and phospholipids in particular. 

The body is unable to synthesize vitamins in the quantities required and dependent on dietary intake. 
1. Water-soluble vitamins 
    vitamin C and B complex à not stored in the body and should be available as food intake every day. 
2. Fat-soluble vitamins 
    Vitamins A, D, E, K à stored in the body, except for vitamin D. 

a. Makromineral 
daily needs is 100 mg or more. 
b. Of trace element / mikromineral 
daily needs are less dari100 mg. 

1. Baby 
2. Toddler and Preschool 
3. School-age children 
4. Juvenile 
5. Early and middle adult Adult 
6. Elderly


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