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Constipation or constipation laymen call it a natural occurrence that often we like it or not . This condition is certainly annoying because we can not issue a hard stools or defecation difficult . Make the stomach feel full we are , want to defecate but can not be the case if it is very painful . Because the anus injured as a result of its too hard feces and can cause hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids .
For the cause of the constipation variety such as dehydration , consumption of foods low in fiber , which often sits lifestyle ( sedentary ) , lack of regular exercise , and often suppress the urge to defecate .
If a person is dehydrated or postpone defecation , the intestines will absorb more liquid so that should mushy stool becomes harder and cause constipation . Diets high in fiber will draw water into the stool through the process of osmosis so that the stool remains soft and spending stool becomes easier . Diets high in fiber will also widen stimulates intestinal peristalsis . Conversely a low fiber diet will cause constipation .
Sedentary lifestyle or frequent sitting , lack of exercise , lack of physical activity , or an inability to engage in physical activity can lead to constipation because exercise stimulates the GI tract or the digestive tract and facilitate defecation . The use of antacids , opiates , and other drugs that inhibit intestinal motility will also cause constipation .
Stress can also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system which makes GI motility decreased . No its trajectory nerves in the colon or degeneration of the nerve trajectory were also cause constipation . Other circumstances , such as spinal cord injury , multiple sclerosis , intestinal neoplasms , and hypothyroidism , can also cause kosntipasi .
So if you want to avoid constipation avoid the causes that can lead to constipation . Eating food that was high in fiber fruits and vegetables . Avoid stress if you do not want to constipation . If you have no desire to defecate so soon BAB to prevent constipation .

sources :
Kowalak . , 2012. Textbook of Pathophysiology . Jakarta : EGC


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