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Diarrhea is a bowel movement mushy / liquid > = 3x a day ( can be accompanied by mucus or blood ) .
 Acute : lasting < 7 days .
 Chronic : lasting> 14 days .
 mucus and blood : dysentery ( shigella , amoeba )

secretory diarrhea
Sodium absorption by villi fail , chloride secretion continued / increased àsekresi àkehilangan liquid water and electrolytes as stool that cairàdehidrasi
Infection : due to the stimulation of bacterial toxin E. coli , V. cholerae or virus

osmotic diarrhea
Mucosal epithelium of the small intestine is bypassed interchangeable à porous water and electrolytes quickly dg For maintaining the osmotic pressure of the intestinal contents dg extracellular fluid .
If there is any material which is poorly absorbed and when isotonic à water and soluble materials which are not absorbed à diarrhea
When a hypertonic solution à passing water and some electrolyte will move from the intestinal lumen to the CES to the osmolarity of intestinal contents and blood together with CES à à dehydration increase stool volume
Because loss of body fluids > loss of Na and Cl à hypernatremia

Pathogenesis ( virus )
1 . Develop in epithelial intestinal villi shortening halusàkerusakan & Vilia loss of villi For absorbsià replaced m'bentuk crypt epithelial cells that secrete immature intestine à water and electrolytes .
2 . Villi damage disakaridase à à loss decreased primarily disaccharide lactose absorption

degrees dehirasi
1 . without dehydration
2 . Dehydration mild / moderate ( > = 2 marks as follows ) :
- Restless , cranky / irritable
- Sunken eyes
- Haus , drank with gusto
- The return of the abdominal skin pinch is rather slow ( < 2 seconds )
3 . Severe dehydration ( > = sign as follows ) :
- Letargis or unconscious
- Sunken eyes
- Not able to drink or drinking lazy
- The return of the abdominal skin pinch is very slow ( > ​​2 seconds )

The main principle of treatment of diarrhea :
1 . Fluid and electrolyte replacement without seeing the cause .
2 . The food should be continued .
3 . And antiparasitic antibiotics should not be used routinely , there is no benefit to the majority of cases , including severe diarrhea and diarrhea with heat , except in dysentery , cholera with severe dehydration , persistent diarrhea .
4 . Bring kesarana health when diarrhea does not improve or you - no signs of dehydration or other serious symptoms .

ORS , or
200 ml Water + sepucuk teaspoon salt plus a tablespoon of sugar .
( 50-200ml/kgBB/24jam )
Plan A ( adults without dehydration )
ORS 300-400 ml each Chapter
Plan B ( adult dehirasi mild / moderate )
ORS 2400 ml in the first 3 hours ,
A resolved à -up plan
Not resolved à observation
à if still further plan B , if the weight switch to plan C
Plan C
Iv access line ( liquid RL ) 10 % B in 2 hours , or NGT à refer

1 . FOOD :
           Food hygiene , provision of clean drinking water , as well as personal hygiene family .
2 . stool :
            Wash your hands before eating .
3 . FLY :
            Flies have been known as a carrier of bacteria from dirty goods , or not clean .
4 . FINGER :
           Defecation in place ( WC / shower ) , provide adequate garbage disposal , so as not to get attacked by flies eradicate food in your house , Seek always that your home environment has always been a healthy environment .


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