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Showing posts from April, 2014


DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...


DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...


DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...


DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...

Roy's Model of Nursing

Roy's Model of Nursing  Nursing  Ie individuals, families, groups, society is seen as a "Holistic adaptive system" in all its aspects is a unity.  Roy Adaptation Model  1. Physiology Function Model  Physiological functions related to body structure and function.  Type physiological functions:   Oxygenation   Nutrition   Elimination   Activity and rest   Protection / protection   The sense / feeling   Fluid and electrolyte   The function of nerve / neurological   Endocrine Function    2. Self-concept mode  That mode of self-concept associated with a specific emphasis on the psychosocial psychosocial and spiritual aspects of human beings.  Self-concept according to Roy consists of two components:  a. The physical self  b. The personal self  3. Role Function Mode  Mode functions recognize the role of social interaction...


a) Limitation of Dysentery  dysentery syndrome consists of a collection of symptoms of diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool and the presence of tenesmus b ) Etiology of Dysentery  Bloody diarrhea can be caused by groups of causes of diarrhea , such as by infection with viruses, bacteria , parasites , lactose intolerance , cow's milk protein allergy .  But most of dysentery caused by infection .  Transmission is fecal - oral contact and contact person to person or person with a household appliance .  spread through food and water  The main cause of dysentery is Shigella , Salmonella , compylobacter jejui , Escherichia ( E. coli ) , and Entamoeba histolytica . Ummunya severe dysentery caused by shigellia dysentery , sometimes it can also be caused by shigella flexneri , Salmonella and enteroinvasl veEcolo ( EIEC ) . c ) The pathogenesis of dysentery  Shigella , ymenghasilkantoksin and double or resistant to antibiotics  Giving spasmolytic increa...


Constipation or constipation laymen call it a natural occurrence that often we like it or not . This condition is certainly annoying because we can not issue a hard stools or defecation difficult . Make the stomach feel full we are , want to defecate but can not be the case if it is very painful . Because the anus injured as a result of its too hard feces and can cause hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids . For the cause of the constipation variety such as dehydration , consumption of foods low in fiber , which often sits lifestyle ( sedentary ) , lack of regular exercise , and often suppress the urge to defecate . If a person is dehydrated or postpone defecation , the intestines will absorb more liquid so that should mushy stool becomes harder and cause constipation . Diets high in fiber will draw water into the stool through the process of osmosis so that the stool remains soft and spending stool becomes easier . Diets high in fiber will also widen stimulates intestinal peristalsis . Co...


Often we hear and is not familiar to us the term hypertension but do you know about hypertension itself? If you say that high blood hypertension , yes it is true but if you know the deeper meaning of hypertension and did you know that hypertension can lead to stroke, blindness , and the worst is DEATH ? If not let's refer to the following article . Is it Hypertension ? Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disorder characterized by the increase in blood - diastole , systole , or both - are intermittent ( gradual ) or constant . Generally , the systolic pressure is gradually on the value of 140 mmHg or more or diastolic pressure is gradually on the value of 90 mmHg or more defined as hypertension . The risk for the patient lies in the long-term damage that may arise as a result of high blood pressure in the brain , eyes , heart , blood vessels , and kidneys . Hypertension is divided into two types, primary hypertension is most common and secondary hypertension caused by re...

Diabetes Insipidus

A. Definition Diabetes insipidus is a rare disease . The disease is caused by a variety of causes that can interfere with the mechanism neurohy - pophyseal - renal reflexes in the body , resulting in a failure to convert the water . Most cases are idiopathic yangpernah encountered a case which can manifest in a variety of age groups and sex B. Clinical symptoms Complaints and symptoms of diabetes insipidus primary polyuria and polydipsia are . Total fluid intake and urine production per 24 hours very much , can reach 5-10 liters a day . Urine specific gravity is usually very low , ranging between 1001-1005 or 50-200 m0smol/kg weight . In addition to polyuria and polydipsia , there are usually no other symptoms unless there are other diseases that cause interference with the mechanism pophyseal neuropy - the - renal reflex . During the thirst center remains intact patients , the concentration of dissolved substances in body fluids will be close to normal values ​​. New dange...


Definition Diarrhea is a bowel movement mushy / liquid > = 3x a day ( can be accompanied by mucus or blood ) .  Acute : lasting < 7 days .  Chronic : lasting> 14 days .  mucus and blood : dysentery ( shigella , amoeba ) secretory diarrhea Sodium absorption by villi fail , chloride secretion continued / increased àsekresi àkehilangan liquid water and electrolytes as stool that cairàdehidrasi Infection : due to the stimulation of bacterial toxin E. coli , V. cholerae or virus osmotic diarrhea Mucosal epithelium of the small intestine is bypassed interchangeable à porous water and electrolytes quickly dg For maintaining the osmotic pressure of the intestinal contents dg extracellular fluid . If there is any material which is poorly absorbed and when isotonic à water and soluble materials which are not absorbed à diarrhea When a hypertonic solution à passing water and some electrolyte will move from the intestinal lumen to the CES to the osmolarity of intestinal co...

Satuan Acara Penyuluhan Anemia

SATUAN ACA RA PENYULUHAN (SAP ANEMIA) Tema : Anemia (kurang darah) A.       Sub Pokok Bahasan  Pengertian Anemia  Gejala Anemia  Penyebab Anemia  Pencegahan Anemia Hari/ Tanggal              : Rabu, 08 Januari 2014 Waktu                         : 10.00 wib Penyaji                        : Mahasiswa STIKES  Aisyiyah Surakarta Sasaran                       : Pasien dengan anemia B. TUJUAN 1.    Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU) Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan kesehatan Kesehatan tentang anemia...