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SATUAN ACA RA PENYULUHAN STROKE Tema : Stroke A.       Sub Pokok Bahasan  Pengertian Stroke  Gejala Stroke  Penyebab Stroke  Pencegahan Stroke Hari/ Tanggal              : Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014 Waktu                         : 09.00 wib Penyaji                        : Mahasiswa STIKES  Aisyiyah Surakarta Sasaran                       :  Pasien dengan stroke B. TUJUAN 1.    Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU) Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan kesehatan Kesehatan tentang stroke  diharapkan...
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DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...


DEFINITIONS  Nutrition à nutrients and other substances associated with health and disease à whole process in the human body to accept food or materials from their environment à used for activities that are important in the body and pull out the rest.  FUNCTION  1. Provide energy for the body and exercise or activity.  2. Providing material structure for body tissues such as bones or muscles.  3. Regulate body processes.  4. Maintain body temperature.  Digestive System Anatomy and physiology  1. Alimentary canal  2. Organ accessories  The essence of nutrition  1. Water  2. Carbohydrate  3. Proteins  4. Fat / Lipid  5. Vitamin  6. Mineral  PROCESS IN THE BODY  a. Digestion  b. Absorption  c. Storage  d. Metabolism  Water  1. The body consists of 60 to 70% water  2. Fat levels in the body, age and gender.  ...